About Us

for community enrichment

Our Mission

The mission of the Partnership for Community Enrichment (PCE) is to promote healthy, diverse, culture-rich lifestyles for everyone through community events, activities, and connections.

What is the

Partnership for Community Enrichment?

The Partnership for Community Enrichment is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization, licensed in Nevada in September 2020, and formally registered in Arkansas in August 2023.


PCE is specifically a community-centered organization, with our primary objective being to secure funding and provide support for projects within communities to promote the healthy, diverse, culture-rich lifestyles. PCE is a flexible non-profit organization. Our charter is very broad, and we can address many different issues.

Examples of Projects PCE can support include:

  • Hosting TEDx talks and related activities
  • Support of outdoor, athletic, and nature-centered groups, activities, and projects
  • Development of healing gardens and labyrinths
  • Incubator-style support of new non-profit organizations
  • Development of programs to support all forms of the arts
  • Historic preservation
  • Discussion events on important local topics

Another goal is for a minimum of 98% of the funds raised within a community are spent on that community’s projects. PCE is an all-volunteer organization with no paid employees. We’re not trying to rent a building (or build one). Our only expenses are related to technology and all of our startup expenses have been covered by board support. The idea for this organization came up when the team was planning TEDxHenderson. Our previous TEDx events had been at UNLV, and because of that we had a built-in non-profit to accept donations in the form of the UNLV Foundation. What we needed was a non-profit organization to accept our donations. The actual thought was, “we need a flexible non-profit organization we could work with.” We didn’t find one and created PCE to serve that purpose.

Talk to us

Have any questions? We are always open to talk about new projects, creative opportunities, and how we can help you.